When Shropshire strategic marketing specialist Ruth Martin decided to fulfil her dream of setting up her own company she admits she did not know the first thing about running a business.
“Marketing strategy was no problem. That’s what I do. But the actual mechanics of how to run a business was a completely different thing. I realised right from the beginning that I was going to need help,” she said.
Ruth started her marketing business, Martin & Jones Marketing, early in 2019 after working in marketing since leaving university. She has now built up a thriving portfolio of clients and employs two part-time staff.
“The workload increased very quickly and I just had no time to think about VAT and accounts. I realised I needed professional help from an accountant who would explain things very clearly and simply and advise me on how to develop the business.
“It had to be someone to not only look after the accounts but also help me on the business journey. Turas Accountants has fulfilled that and more,” said Ruth who is based in Oswestry.
Turas now look after the bookkeeping, accounts, VAT, payroll and pensions at Martin & Jones Marketing which Ruth runs as a sole trader. Turas have also advised on setting up a new limited company, as Ruth’s business expands.
“I had an idea on how to add another string to the marketing business which included more investment. I really didn’t know how best to approach it financially. Turas were absolutely great. They talked me through the options in a way that was really easy to understand and answered all my questions – even the silly ones,” she said.