Every now and then a charity comes along that you just know in your heart you have to support because you have seen the difference it can make to those close to you.
That’s why from 3rd June 2023 we at Turas Accountants will be helping a team of charity supporters walk 100 million steps in 100 days for the Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide’s Hope in Every Step campaign.
Our involvement has been inspired by our wonderful colleague Andrea Logan-Weston whose son Nicholas took his own life just over a year ago at the age of just 29.
Andrea has found huge understanding and support from a SoBS group which has helped her find a way through the pain and despair of the last year. Here’s why she and the Turas team will be walking the walk for SOBS from 3 June.
“My son Nicholas died on 25thApril when he took his own life. He was 29 years old. Unfortunately we were not informed of his death until seven hours after they discovered Nicholas and there was no offer of support or follow-up information on where to access help.
“I was in a dark place and I later found out that anyone who has been bereaved by suicide is then 65% more likely to take their own life which I can understand from my own experience.
“I found SoBS indirectly after I was put in touch through my mortgage adviser who told me our life insurance had a bolt on policy which provided me with a support nurse who then told me about the charity. SoBS was formed to meet the needs and overcome the isolation experienced by people over 18 who have been bereaved by suicide and is run entirely with donations and volunteers.”
“I went to my first meeting in June 2022 and it was a lifeline. It was such a relief to be in a room with people who had shared the same experience and knew what I was going through. I was able to talk through the anger and guilt and get comfort and support from people who were or had been in the same situation.
“I have been to practically every meeting since then and the group’s support has helped me so much. There are so many things that you go through – it’s a huge roller coaster of emotions.I found April 24th this year – the anniversary of the eve of Nicholas’s death – particularly difficult as on April 24th the year before, my life had been completely normal. Everything changed after April 25th. I posted on the SoBS Facebook page how I was feeling and the group’s moderator was incredibly supportive and helped me get through the day.
“Each SoBS group has two to three moderators who are people who have been bereaved by suicide at least 2 years or more ago. When I joined, the closest group to me was in Stafford which was an hour’s drive away. Now the charity has a new group more local to me at Shrewsbury which started in May.
“It’s a fantastic charity which was there for me when I was in need and continues to support me now. That’s why I will be joining the Hope in Every Step campaign and I’m delighted that my colleagues will be joining in as well.”
The Hope in Every Step campaign starts on 3rd June and ends on World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September. Supporters have been challenged to collectively walk 100 million steps to raise awareness of SoBS and its work. We at Turas have decided to set up a Just Giving page for donations to the campaign as well.
Further information is available on the SoBS website or through the Facebook group.
SoBS has a national support line – 0300 111 5065 – for any adult needing support after the loss of someone close to them by suicide.